Art in Finncon

This year’s Finncon has two art shows on children’s book and fairy tale illustrations. You can find the art shows on the 3rd Floor of the University.

Lastekirjataiteen aarteita Finncon 2016

Lastekirjataiteen aarteita
Finncon 2016

Exhibition of children’s book Illustrations

The poster exhibition showcases the treasures of the collection of The Finnish Institute for Children’s Literature. The exhibition consists of classics from Maija Karma, Camilla Mickwitz and Hannu Taina. Also works from modern-day illustrators Sari Airola and Riitta Uusitalo are on display.

The Finnish Institute for Children’s Literature (LKI) is a national organization and a specialized library that promotes children’s literature. LKI houses a collection of 2500 illustration originals. They offer expertise for professionals, amateurs and media in questions about children’s literature. They also organize different kinds of exhibitions, events and seminars.

Kuva: Maya Hahto

Picture: Maya Hahto

Maya Hahto – Fairytale illustrations

There is an exhibition of fairytale illustrations by Maya Hahto in the main lobby during the event. The works are illustrations based on well known fairytales and illustrations to stories that (for the moment) exist only in the paintings on display.

Maya Hahto is an illustrator and a graphic designer from Tampere. Her specialties are realistic portraits and fairytale illustrations. The guide book of Finncon 2016 is also of her design.
Maya’s introduction on Finncon webiste: Finncon illustrators