Support Finncon

Even though Finncon is free for its attendees, you can also support the event financially by becoming a Friend of Finncon!

Friends of Finncon receive, naturally, various benefits! This time we can offer our Friends at least a unique badge, a discount on the convention t-shirt, free entry to the evening party,  name on the list of Friends on our website (if permitted), progress reports delivered to your e-mail address and an excellent selection of cat photos from our committee members as well as from some of the authors attending Finncon!

We will add more benefits as we think of them, but all Friends will of course receive the most important benefit of all: the massive gratitude of the organizers!

So how can you become a Friend of Finncon? Easy: pay the support fee of 25€/$25/£20/250SEK using our Holvi system!

Current Friends of Finncon:

  • Marianna ”Kisu” Leikomaa
  • Pasi Välkkynen
  • Jukka Halme
  • Outi Suppanen
  • Christina Macía
  • Sofia Karlsson
  • Ian Watson
  • Karl-Johan Norén
  • Erkka Leppänen
  • Johan Jönsson
  • Juha Kauppila
  • Reino Ayanami
  • Sari Polvinen
  • Taru Väyrynen
  • Ville “DJ Pirtu” Pirttimäki
  • Tarja Sipiläinen
  • Juhani Hinkkanen
  • Johan Anglemark
  • Matti Järvinen
  • Teemu Leisti
  • Raija Pietilä
  • Sini Neuvonen
  • Timo Männikkö
  • Hanna “Morre” Matilainen
  • and multiple anonymous friends