Picture: Cryonic07
Finncon evening party will take place on Saturday the 2nd of July!
The venue for the party is (once again) Kulttuuritalo Telakka, address Tullikamarinaukio 3. Telakka is within a short walking distance from the university and the nearest hotels.
The tickets to the party cost 2 euros, but Friends of Finncon (badge), staff (badge) and people in masquerade costumes have free entry.
The tickets go on sale at 20 (but you can come earlier, too).
Telakka’s kitchen is open all day until 21.45, and the menu has a nice variety of different types of dishes!
Timetable for the evening party:
20.20 Tampere mafia meeting
20.40 Jyväskylä mafia meeting
21.00 Helsinki mafia meeting
21.20 Espoo mafia meeting
21.40 Nörttikulttuurivisa goes Finncon – Part 1. (Nerd culture pub quiz – probably mostly in Finnish)
22.00 Masquerade award ceremony
22.30 Nörttikulttuurivisa goes Finncon – Part 2.
Mafia meetings are city specific meetings where you can meet other people with fantastic and scifistic interests and find out what is happening there.
The program will happen in the second of floor of Telakka and afterwards the space is reserved for exclusive use by our evening party.